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Install OpenCV 2.3.1 and SimpleCV in Ubuntu, Arch Linux

After screwing up my Ubuntu see previous post and also my Arch Linux, I installed Ubuntu 11.10 and upgraded to 12.04.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Precise Pangolin

Install OpenCV 2.3.1

sudo apt-get install libopencv-*
sudo apt-get isntall python-opencv
sudo apt-get install python-numpy

That’s it! OpenCV 2.3.1 is installed completely in Ubuntu 12.04 (Thanks for the package).

Install SimpleCV.

sudo apt-get install python-pygame python-scipy
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo apt-get install ipython ipython-netbook # Not a necessity

Download the latest SimpleCV version from GitHub. Extract it and change the directroy.

sudo python setup.py install

Arch Linux

Install OpenCV 2.3.1

pacman -S python2-numpy
pacman -S opencv 2.3.1_a-4

Install SimpleCV.

pacman -S python-pygame python2-scipy
pacman -S python2-setuptools
pacman -S ipython2 # Not a necessity

Download the latest SimpleCV version from GitHub. Extract it and change the directroy.

sudo python2 setup.py install

P.S. GNOME shell 3.4 is quite neat.

Playing around with Android UI

Articles focusing on Android UI - playing around with ViewPagers, CoordinatorLayout, meaningful motions and animations, implementing difficult customized views, etc.

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