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Median Flow Tracker using SimpleCV/ OpenCV - GSoC week 1 and 2

Work in the first two weeks of my Google Summer of Code had been quite slow. I couldn’t find much time as I was busy with travel and some college stuff. I have finished making a Median Flow Tracker for OpenTLD. I am trying to port OpenTLD to python. I am working with George Nebehay’s version of OpenTLD.https://github.com/gnebehay/OpenTLD .

Finished Tasks:

I have tweaked gnebehay’s OpenTLD to version to make it compatible with OpenCV 2.3.1 and higher (only Linux, I guess) https://github.com/jayrambhia/OpenTLD

Median Flow Tracker

I will add a setup.py file soon. Meanwhile, If you want to test this, try this example. I have put all the files from MF Tracker in this one file. I’ll add documentation soon.

Task List for next week:

  • Improve MF Tracker

  • Learn more about “Learning” of OpenTLD

  • Implement “Learning” part

P.S. Back home. Having fun with OpenCV/SimpleCV.


I have added setup.py file. Now it’s a complete package. Download

Playing around with Android UI

Articles focusing on Android UI - playing around with ViewPagers, CoordinatorLayout, meaningful motions and animations, implementing difficult customized views, etc.

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