Working with Toast Messages
I was working on an android application where I required some notification kind of thing. I was looking into popups but it didn’t really work out. Then I stumbled on to Toast Messages.
A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only fills the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive.
The Basics
First, instantiate a Toast object with one of the makeText() methods. This method takes three parameters: the application Context, the text message, and the duration for the toast. It returns a properly initialized Toast object. You can display the toast notification with show().
The values of LENGTH_SHORT and LENGTH_LONG are 0 and 1. This means they are treated as flags rather than actual durations so I don’t think it will be possible to set the duration to anything other than these values.
I wanted to reduce the the duration of the toast message. I needed it even lesser than LENGTH_SHORT.
Toast.cancel() can be used to shorten the duration of the toast message.
P.S. Adding small notes is quite fun and helpful.
Playing around with Android UI
Articles focusing on Android UI - playing around with ViewPagers, CoordinatorLayout, meaningful motions and animations, implementing difficult customized views, etc.